artist bio
My parents always told me that I had to go to college, but I never received any guidance on what I was really going to do with my life. I graduated from UC Davis in Child Psychology and Development and worked many years as a corporate HR professional. I married and had two (wonderful!) children – and as they grew older, a voice kept telling me to explore my creative side.
I enrolled at the Southwest School of Art and Craft in San Antonio, first taking courses in photography for five years, then jumping into ceramics as digital took over the dark room. I have been enjoying my ceramics practice for over a decade, taking a variety of classes in San Antonio, as well as Abiqui, NM, and the Penland School of Craft in North Carolina.
I have a personal studio in San Antonio. I currently live with my husband in Franklin, TN, and am excited about developing my ceramics practice and new studio space there.

artist statement
I have been practicing the art of ceramics for over 10 years. For me, working with clay is about form and surface. The form can take many shapes – functional or sculptural, figurative or abstract. The opportunities for surface decoration are endless – traditional glazing, mixed media, paints, powders, epoxies, or bare textured clay with clear wax.
I love to play with clay for all of these reasons and more, but mostly I work with clay to explore the many stories that have shaped my humanity. These stories are personal and profound: the ever vigilant and loving mother, the motherless child at fourteen, a survivor of several near-death experiences, a woman finding peace.
Figurative work is especially meaningful to me. Creating a human or animal face allows me to discover emotional themes in my personal history: fear, anger, sadness, defiance, joy, doubt. The furrow of a brow, the arc of a smile, the tip of a tongue – a slight change in any of these features can tell dramatically different stories.
As I bring my sculptures to life, I am revealing my stories for all to experience. I hope that my practice in the art of ceramics inspires others to explore, understand, and share their stories as well.

artist resume
Ceramic Classes/Workshops
Southwest School of Art: intermediate and advanced classes in black and white, darkroom photography (1996-2003)
Southwest School of Art: intermediate and advanced classes in ceramics, includeing figurative forms, kiln building, glaze formulation, independent study (2008-2018)
James Tisdale Workshop: figurative hand building, 2015
Debra Fritts Workshop: figurative hand building, 2016 and 2017
Penland School of Craft: “Pristine Porcelain”, Taylor Robenalt and Kyungmin Park, instructors; figurative hand building, 2018
Juried Shows
Southwest School of Art Student Show (photography), 1998 and 1999
River City Silver: “The Holga (and other funky cameras), 1999
San Antonio Potter’s Guild, 2011
Blue Line Arts, “Ceramic Wall Works”, 2019
Guilford Art Center, “Ceramics 2019”, 2019
Group Shows
Southwest School of Art: “Small Parts, Big Art”, 2016
Public/Community Art
San Antonio River Foundation: “Arbol de la Vida”, Margarita Cabrera (Principal Artist), 2019